Foals Foals Foals Facebook

Last week on my Facebook feed, I saw that Foals announced a new set of live dates for March 2013, one of which is near me. Obviously I got over excited and booked a number of tickets without asking my friends if they wanted to go – it would be ridiculous to suggest they wouldn’t want to.

That evening I told them what I had done. Pleasingly, joy and excited bulgy out eyes ensued. Satisfaction that I had wasted no time in assuming correctly that Foals are appreciated by many of my friends followed.

Also, many props go to Foals Facebook page team for the heads up about the tickets, that must be the Facebook page being put to brilliant use.

Then I saw their new stuff on Jools Holland and got music boner.

Behold, the reason why I bought the tickets without asking anyone:

Cheers to the BBC for letting people share this ball tingling video

Foals on Jools Holland, blowing my mind and making my loins purr

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